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The company B+S Soziale Dienste

Since nineteen years of the Health and Social work the Child and Youth Welfare Service in accordance with §§30, 31, 35 and 35a of Book Eight of the Social Code is one of the core tasks of B+S Soziale Dienste FHH GmbH & Co. KG.

Actually we provide twenty-three living spaces with sixty-four places for young people and adults in Hamburg that gives us the possibility to support those within intensive, individual social-pedagogical care in line with § 35 SGB VIII, in ambulatory family assistance in line with §31, as well as in parenting counseling in line with §30 SGB VIII. Furthermore, an outpatient social psychiatry is part of the service offered by B+S Soziale Dienste FHH GmbH & Co., which is an important meeting place for people coming from all over the district of Hamm.

In 2016, B+S Soziale Dienste Nds. GmbH & Co.KG started arising in Buxtehude, that used to be a dependence that was controlled out of Hamburg until then.

B+S Soziale Dienste Nds. GmbH & Co. KG being based in Stade is active in the region within Stade and Buxtehude, as well as in the adjacent areas in accordance to the outpatient care based on § 27 SGB VIII, covering areas concerning the family aid in line with §31 SGB VIII, parenting counseling in line with §30 SGB VIII, individual social-pedagogical care in line with § 35 SGB VIII and also emergency care for unaccompanied minor refugees in line with § 42 SGB VIII, as well as in areas of reintegration according to § 53/54 SGB XII.

Organization Chart B+S Soziale Dienste >>>

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Team B+S Soziale Dienste
110 employees with different professions and cultural backgrounds are currently working in both companies. As a team they take care of over 3000 clients on a daily basis to make sure to provide them with the best support possible in every aspects of the assistance offer.

thomas betzinThomas Betzin, Shareholder
udo schmidtUdo Schmidt, Shareholder
tura hausschildTura Hauschild, Managing Director
sebastian beckSebastian Beck, Managing Director